Rules of Rugby

Rules of Minis Rugby

Minis games are played to a modified version of rugby. The ARU believe that younger rugby union players should be introduced to the game gradually through its Pathway program. The pathway is based on research on children in sport which concluded that modified pathways offer great opportunities for children to develop skills and confidence. Children as young as six greatly enjoy rugby through non-contact versions of the game. Pathway Rugby should be free flowing with the purpose of developing the skills of running, balance, ball handling and contact.

Under 6 and 7 Walla Rugby

This form of rugby is for the complete novice. Players compete in a non-contact “tag” based game that focuses on ball handling and running skills. Similar to Touch Rugby, this 8-a-side game is designed to combine basic skills with Rugby Union concepts in a fun environment, suitable for both male and female players. See more details on U6 and U7 rules.

Under 8 and 9 Mini Rugby

The Under 8 players are introduced to a more technical approach to the game, with tackling and line-outs and an increase in the number of players to 10 per side. The Under 9 players play a similar game with the addition of scrums and a larger pitch. See more details on U8 and U9 rules.

U-10 Rule Changes vs U-9

The move from U-9 to U-10 involves considerable changes for players and their parents.  Details below set out the changes so that everyone is aware of them before the season starts and can plan accordingly.

The main changes are that the rugby laws change to more closely approximate senior rugby and the competition is run by the Sydney Junior Rugby Union (SJRU).

The changes reflect the continuation of the rugby pathway in recognition of the boys’ physical development and their increasing ability to handle more complex laws of the game.

Sydney Junior Rugby Union Competition

All the latest laws of the game to the ARU code of conduct and the SJRU competition rules can be found on the SJRU Resources Page.

Latest SRJU Rules can be found here.