Manly Roos Club Charter

A successful team and club culture doesn’t just happen. It relies on coaches, parents, managers and players all agreeing to some principles on how their team and club should work. These are the principles which we have adopted at the Manly Roos, and everyone can rely on their clubmates to uphold them. They have been developed with many years of experience on what makes for fun and successful teams. Each year at our AGM, we will test and if necessary update these principles.

Please see the Manly Roos Club Charter 2016

Team Roles

Team Manager

  • inform parents of game times as far out as we have them
  • remind parents each week of game times / location: via team app
  • manage oranges / snakes roster (all games)
  • do roster for BBQ / Canteen / Ground Set Up / Breakdown (if at home)
  • manage the sign on sheets before game
  • do the scoring at game (or ask someone else to do it)
  • load up sheet / scores on monday
  • Appoint a ground marshal at away games
  • Manage Wet Weather Communication for away games
  • Contact for parents who’s kids can’t make training / games…

Coach (on game day)

  • Appoint the touch judge
  • Appoint the trainers / someone to run subs

Age Manager

  • Send SJRU emails to Team Managers / Forward Rounds
  • Ensure Coaches & Managers have WWC
  • Key contact between the U10s and the Club / Competition
  • Communicate changes in RED vs BLUES teams
  • Organise players to play two games if needed
  • Forward you club emails
  • Be Ground Marshall at Home Games & Blues Games (away)
  • Manage Wet Weather communication for training / home games
  • Organise team involvement in any roos social things like the Annual Ball


  • Fields MUST be roped off to prevent spectators entering the field of play.
  • There should be a marked/designated area for the reserves of both sides to sit.
  • EVERY team MUST have a Ground Marshall in a high vis vest!!!
  • Coaches and Trainers (who wear a high vis vest also) DO NOT ROAM THE SIDELINE. They must stay with the reserves and NOT COACH FROM THE SIDELINE!! I will not hesitate to cite any Coach or Trainer who does not obey the rules!!
  • Trainers can only go on the field when the ball is dead unless attending an injury!
  • The new A Frames as well as the older ones should be prominently displayed.


Insurance – Details on the ARU policy and claims can be found here.  It covers all injuries occuring in team-related activity, including training and tours.

Concussion – If a doctor, referee or first aid person says that a concussion has occured, the ARU Headsafe protocols rules apply.  Key points are to stop playing immediately if concussion is a possibility, and if confirmed a player can only return to play after two weekends off and with a doctor’s certificate of clearance.

Injury notices to our Club – If a child is injured at all while playing or training with the Roos, please email us with the name, age, injury, whether an ambulance was called, and whether an insurance claim is being made.

Very serious injury.  These are suspected spinal injuries and hospital admissions only (not just emergency department or ambulance treatments). For these rare cases, the ARU protocols are found here. Main steps are to notify call the ARU Hotline on 1800 036 156, and call the Roos President who will assist in completing the online serious injury form.

Working With Children Declaration

The NSW Working with Children Declaration is required for all coaches and managers at the Roos. Although not mandatory by law if you are coaching a team that your child is a member of, the Roos will require all coaches to undergo this check. Click on NSW Working with Children Declaration to apply. Please email your confirmation to the Club Secretary for filing.